Available Reports | Description | Department |
Budget Related | subhead | subhead |
Budgets Overview | This report is a drill-down version of the PeopleSoft Budgets Overview screen in Gemini Financials. The report shows real-time data for encumbrances, expenses, budget transfers and journals. Each transaction type is tied back to PeopleSoft or Jagger to view more specific details. | Budget & Financial Planning |
Salary Savings | Salary Savings is the amount of budget available for salary expenses that was not expended due to unfilled positions. The calculations are based on the percentage of working days a position was unfilled each period and the salary amount from the position configuration. | Budget & Financial Planning |
Operating Fund Balance and Budget | This report provides the sum of all revenues, expenses, transfers, Encumbrances and pre-encumbrances versus budgeted revenues and budgeted expenses with expected fund balance indicated by division, department and cost center. It has the options to look at by core/non-core fund and fund groups. | Accounting & Financial Reporting |
Faculty Startup Summary | This report is for departments to use when reviewing their faculty startup cost centers. This report drills down to the cost center level where details about salaries, encumbrances and equipment operations can be found. | Central Business Office |
Budget Transfers and Adjustments | This report allows users to pull all of the budget transfers and journals by a department. The journal numbers are drillable for users to look up more details in PeopleSoft about the transaction. | Budget & Financial Planning |
Five Year Revenue Trend Report | This report summarizes the received revenue by division for the past five years. This is a helpful tool when trying to budget revenue for the next fiscal year and it can be drilled down by department to individual cost centers. | Budget & Financial Planning |
Five Year Expense Trend Report | This report summarizes the actual expenses by division for the past five years. This is a helpful tool when trying to budget expenses for the next fiscal year and it can be drilled down by department to individual cost centers. | Budget & Financial Planning |
BPM Executive Summary | This is a very high level report by division that shows a summary of the Budget Planning Module compared to the previous year. | Budget & Financial Planning |
Cost Center Deficit Balances | This report provides a list of cost centers with negative budget balances. Balances have been adjusted for revenue recognized but not yet posted to the expense ledger. Projects are not included. | Budget & Financial Planning |
Lab Fee Revenue Report | This report provides lab fee revenue details. | Budget & Financial Planning |
Supplemental DT Report | This report provides supplemental designated tuition revenue details. | Budget & Financial Planning |
Employee Related | subhead | subhead |
Employee and Position Roster | This report provides the details of employee roster, position roster and payroll encumbrance and pre-encumbrance information. Funding information is provided in detail at appointment level. | Budget & Financial Planning |
Employee and Position Distribution by Date | This report provides the payroll and encumbrance details of all employees. This also shows vacant position pre-encumbrance information as well as inactivated positions. Funding information is provided in detail at appointment level. | Budget & Financial Planning |
Payroll Encumbrances by Cost Center | This report show the amount of payroll encumbrances and pre-encumbrances by cost center. There is an option to drill down and see which employees or positions are making up the encumbrance totals. | Budget & Financial Planning |
Benefit Expense Estimates | This report estimates the benefits by job code classification using salary range and FTE. The report provides the averages benefits amount by job classification and salary range as well as the number of employees in that given salary range. | Budget & Financial Planning |
Job Code Classifications for Benefits Expense Estimates | This shows the breakdown of job code classifications for the Benefit Expense Estimates report. | Budget & Financial Planning |
Job Code to Account Rollup | This report shows all job codes and which budgetary and GL account the job code will roll up to. | Budget & Financial Planning |
Cost Center Related | subhead | subhead |
Cost Center Owner | This report provides a list of cost centers by division that are active or inactive and their name of the owner, manager and alternate. | Accounting & Financial Reporting |
Cost Center Statement | The purpose of this report is to provide current summary level information and transactional level detail based on budget data. It includes both Operating Cost Centers and Project Cost Centers. If you are looking for Life-to-Date data for a Project Cost Center begin with period 0 in the accounting period criteria. The Cost Center Statement is not intended to be used as a reconciliation tool, and there may be timing differences when comparing to ARA or the general ledger. In addition, this report will not display data where no budgetary information is available. Examples include sponsored programs and plant fund revenue. | Accounting & Financial Reporting |
Budget to Actual Account Rollup | This report shows which A, B and C budgetary account the expense account code rolls up to. | Accounting & Financial Reporting |
Sponsored Projects | This report provides a summary of the project budget as well as the details such as Award Dates, PI and Sponsor Name. | Receivables & Sponsored Accounting |
Plant Funds | Plant Project information with drill down by project ID to cost center (Data from General Ledger except for encumbrance and budget data from Commitment Control). | Accounting & Financial Reporting |
Procurement Related | subhead | subhead |
One Card Expenses by Division | This report allows the user to see all of the one card expenses by division. It will also drill down and show the expenses for each individual cardholder by accounting period. | Treasury & Payment Services |
Open Purchase Orders(Encumbrances) | This report shows the total PO amount encumbered by division, as well as the amount paid and the amount outstanding. This report can be drilled down by cost center to see the vendor information and specific PO information. | Purchasing |
PO Discrepancies | This report allows the user to search for PO Discrepancies based on status. It shows the user the amount of PO encumbrances they currently have as well as the amount paid for that PO and the PO balance by department and cost center. | Purchasing |
HUB Report | This report is a rollup showing a department's HUB-reportable spending on various types of goods and services with specific vendors. The report includes whether or not the vendor is a HUB (Historically Underutilized Business) and includes the numbers of the POs that roll up into that line, for easy reference. For more information about the report, please see the HUB Report Reference Guide. | Supplier Diversity Programs |
Available Reports | Navigation | Department | |
Reports for BPM | subhead | ||
Salary Roster Report | List of employees loaded in BPM with salary detail | Gemini Financials > Main Menu > Commitment Control Custom > Budget > Budget Reports | Budget & Financial Planning |
Trial Balance Report | Details prior year’s expense budget plus permanent adjustments and will provide current year’s initial allocation budgets. | Gemini Financials > Main Menu > Commitment Control Custom > Budget > Budget Reports | Budget & Financial Planning |
Queries for Budget Development and Maintenance | subhead | ||
Search ‘REVIEW_ENCUMBRANCE’ to view by cost center, dept ID, and EmpID | Provides a list of all position(s) that are encumbered for that cost center or department. If searching by employee ID, provides a list of cost center(s) this employee is encumbered on. | Gemini HR > Main Menu > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer | Budget & Financial Planning |
Search ‘REVIEW_PREENCUMBRANCE’ to view by cost center, dept ID, and position | Provides a list of all position(s) that are pre-encumbered for that cost center or department. If searching by position, provides a list of cost center(s) this position is pre-encumbered on. | Gemini HR > Main Menu > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer | Budget & Financial Planning |
Cost Center Queries | subhead | ||
Active CC Listing by Deptid | Provides a list of all active cost center(s) by an individual department or range of departments. | Gemini Financials > Main Menu > General Ledger Custom > CC Queries | Financial Management Services |
Active/Inactive Status by CC | Provides a list of all active or inactive cost center(s) by an individual cost center or range of cost centers. (Frozen cost centers are included.) | Gemini Financials > Main Menu > General Ledger Custom > CC Queries | Financial Management Services |
Listing of frozen cost centers | Provides a list of frozen cost center(s) by an individual cost center or range of cost centers. | Gemini Financials > Main Menu > General Ledger Custom > CC Queries | Financial Management Services |
Cost Center Listing All Values | Provides a list of all active cost center(s) including associated chartfield values (Frozen cost centers are included). | Gemini Financials > Main Menu > General Ledger Custom > CC Queries | Financial Management Services |
Cost Center Owner/Approvers | Provides a list of all active and inactive cost center(s) owners and approvers. Cost center(s) can be searched by an individual cost center or range of cost centers. | Gemini Financials > Main Menu > General Ledger Custom > CC Queries | Financial Management Services |