Hotel Contract Addendum Opens in a new tab.To be used when a hotel or event operator requires a contract and/or deposit.
Inter Local Cooperation Contract Opens in a new tab.Used to define purchase of services from municipal governments
Business Associate Agreement Opens in a new tab.Used to specify HIPAA obligations with outside entity
Inter Agency Cooperation Contract Opens in a new tab.Used to define purchase of services from other Texas State Agencies including other Texas Schools
Addendum to Agreement (Procuring Goods) Opens in a new tab.Standard terms and conditions in order for a contractor to do business with UTD for goods
Addendum to Agreement (Procuring Services)Opens in a new tab.Standard terms and conditions in order for a contractor to do business with UTD for services
Services Agreement (<$50k) Opens in a new tab.Used for services <$50k that do not involve HIPAA or FERPA data
Contract Management Process Manual Opens in a new tab.Detailed handbook regarding purchasing and contracting processes and checklists.
Summary of Contracts Requiring Board Approval Opens in a new tab.Used to identify contracts that must be sent to the Board of Regents for approval
UT Dallas Terms and Conditions of Orders Opens in a new tab.Standard terms and conditions for purchase orders

Educational Experience Affiliation Agreement Opens in a new tab.Used to establish internship arrangements for multiple students at one agency; Must be used with a Program Agreement
Program Agreement Opens in a new tab.Used with the Educational Experience Affiliation Agreement to establish internship opportunities for multiple students
Short Term Educational Experience Affiliation Agreement Opens in a new tab.Used to establish internship arrangement for a single student at an agency
Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement Opens in a new tab.Used when both parties are exchanging confidential Intellectual Property
University Receiving Non-Disclosure Agreement Opens in a new tab.Used when University is receiving confidential Intellectual Property
University Providing Non-Disclosure Agreement Opens in a new tab.Used when University is sharing confidential Intellectual Property
FERPA Addendum Opens in a new tab.Used in agreements where external agency has access to non-directory student information
GDPR Addendum Opens in a new tab.Used in agreements where the European Union (EU) General Data Protection regulation applies
Inter Local Cooperation Contract Opens in a new tab.Used to define purchase of services from municipal governments
Business Associate Agreement Opens in a new tab.Used to specify HIPAA obligations with outside entity
UTD Providing Services Agreement Opens in a new tab.Used when UTD is providing services
JSOM Executive Education Template Opens in a new tab.Used when JSOM provides Executive Education to outside companies