The University of Texas at Dallas must abide by Texas law (Education Code Sections 65.31 and 65.34 Opens in a new tab.), University of Texas System Regent’s Rule 10501, Opens in a new tab. and UT Dallas Policy UTDBP3099: Signature Authority when entering into contractual obligations. 

Only specifically delegated University officials Opens in a new tab. are legally empowered to sign contracts on behalf of UT Dallas. Delegated signature authority is separate from the ability to make purchases on behalf of the University.

NOTE: Unless signed by the proper specifically delegated University officials, Opens in a new tab. contracts are not legally binding on UT Dallas and may be deemed a personal responsibility.

The Office of Contracts Administration will only process purchasing or services agreements submitted as attachments on eProcurement Non-Catalog Requisitions.

Purchases: Signatures obligating UT Dallas to a Purchase Order should be submitted as an encumbered purchase, as detailed on the Buying Goods and Services page at

Other Contracts: For contracts that do not obligate UT Dallas to a purchase order – such as revenue-generating contracts or non-disclosure agreements – please create a non-catalog requisition and select the supplier “Contract Review” – Vendor ID 0000046400, Purchase Category 4.1 – Other, and Account Code 69006. The requisition will be reviewed and, if / when signed, will be rejected (unencumbering your $1.00) with the signed agreement attached. You may then retrieve the signed contract from the rejected requisition.

Please consider the following when submitting and planning timeframes for contract reviews:

  • Use of a UTD template (see below and Purchasing Contracts) greatly expedites processing.
  • Third-party contracts generally require modification to comply with UT System policy and TX law.
  • Submitters must monitor and promptly respond to requisition comments.
  • New / proposed contracts should preferably be submitted without any signatures.     

Your consideration helps ensure the Office of Contracts Administration can provide the best possible service to all UT Dallas departments.

Please feel free to reach out to with your contract related questions. We are always happy to help!

Educational Experience Affiliation Agreement Opens in a new tab.Used to establish internship arrangements for multiple students at one agency; Must be used with a Program Agreement
Program Agreement Opens in a new tab.Used with the Educational Experience Affiliation Agreement to establish internship opportunities for multiple students
Short Term Educational Experience Affiliation Agreement Opens in a new tab.Used to establish internship arrangement for a single student at an agency
Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement Opens in a new tab.Used when both parties are exchanging confidential Intellectual Property
University Receiving Non-Disclosure Agreement Opens in a new tab.Used when University is receiving confidential Intellectual Property
University Providing Non-Disclosure Agreement Opens in a new tab.Used when University is sharing confidential Intellectual Property
FERPA Addendum Opens in a new tab.Used in agreements where external agency has access to non-directory student information
GDPR Addendum Opens in a new tab.Used in agreements where the European Union (EU) General Data Protection regulation applies
Inter Local Cooperation Contract Opens in a new tab.Used to define purchase of services from municipal governments
Business Associate Agreement Opens in a new tab.Used to specify HIPAA obligations with outside entity
UTD Providing Services Agreement Opens in a new tab.Used when UTD is providing services
JSOM Executive Education Template Opens in a new tab.Used when JSOM provides Executive Education to outside companies