The use of our internal New Vendor Needed supplier selection has now expanded due to the implementation of PaymentWorks for supplier set-up and the need for additional internal suppliers.

  • New Vendor Needed – To submit a requisition where the supplier is not yet set up, continue current process of fully completing and encumbering a non-catalog requisition, with quote and supporting documentation attached and select the supplier “New Vendor Needed” – Vendor ID 0000003268
  • Contract Review Only – To submit a request for contract for review without an encumbered purchase (signature only), please create a non-catalog requisition and select the supplier “Contract Review” – Vendor ID 0000046400. Please submit non-valued requests at a $1.00. The requisition will be reviewed and, if/when signed, will be rejected (unencumbering your $1.00) with the signed agreement attached. You may then retrieve the signed contract from the rejected requisition.
  • Buyer Card – To submit a requisition for a buyer to make a One Card purchase on your behalf, please submit a non-catalog requisition, attach your quote and any supporting documents, encumber the requisition for the purchase amount, and select the supplier “Buyer Card” – Vendor ID 0000046399. If the requisition is approved, it will be rejected after the transaction is complete.
  • OneCard – Software Review – To submit a requisition to purchase a software not on the approved software exception list,  please submit a non-catalog requisition, attach your quote and any supporting documents, encumber the requisition for the purchase amount, and select the supplier “OneCard – Software Review” – Vendor ID 0000051232. If the requisition is approved, it will be rejected with a notice that you may proceed with the purchase on your departmental One Card as an approved exception (keep for One Card records).

Form Used to Pay Special I

Non-Catalog / Contractors Form icon and link

This form is used to generate requisitions for Non-Catalog purchases and Independent Contractors.

The Non-Catalog section of the form is used for any vendor purchase that is not a punch-out.

The Independent Contractor section of the form is used for individuals providing services when the individuals are not affiliated with University. No companies or employees are paid on this form. Independent contractors include: athletic trainers, art models, DJs, face painters, musicians / performers with no contracts or agents, proof readers, sport officiating officials, translators, transcribers, film editors, photographers, one-time speakers, videographers.

The Non-Catalog section of the form requires a quote and/or invoice (if for payment only). Purchasing Thresholds (create link) determine the procedures to follow and the required forms to be attached. Please refer to for additional information. Receipts will be required for invoices where the Purchase Order is over $5,000.

The Independent Contractor section of the form should be set up for the length of service you expect to pay the supplier. Independent Contractor form should be submitted along with PaymentWorks invitation (for new suppliers) prior to committing to services.

Approvals must be completed before any services begin for the University. The Independent Contractor Certification Opens in a new tab. form along with supporting documentation must be attached to the ePro non-catalog requisition form. The ICC form must be renewed every four months if you plan to use the supplier again. Supporting documentation could be an invoice or a PDF of the email stating Amount, Date(s)  & Type of service(s) to be rendered. Cost Receipts need to be created by the department when payments are required. Accounts Payable will create invoices for payments based on receipts. All payments must be completed within 3 months of last service date on the form. 


Request For Check Form icon and link

External Suppliers for membership, registration, subscriptions, payments to State of Texas, postage, conference fees, FedEx payments. Do not attach confidential information. Used for Homeland Security Payments and Faculty relocation.

Student and Guest travel or reimbursements.

Do not use for things
like Catering, Books, Porter Services, Animal Medical Supplies, Transportation and Pest Control that you have already created a non-catalog PO for or have a blanket for PO.

Supplier invoice attached to support the amount of payment in the supplier’s name. Dates of invoice within 60 days of the current date.

Students and Guests – Receipts for travel or reimbursements attached. Dates of receipts within 60 days of the current date.

Relocation – The Letter of Offer must be attached.

Note: HUB Suppliers are marked in eProcurement. Please consider HUB suppliers whenever feasible. 

  • UT System – Supply Chain Alliance Contracts – first-choice suppliers
    • Negotiated pricing and terms by UT System
    • Representatives assigned to serve you in processing special quotes, returns and additional discounts
    • Price match where possible
    • For link to additional UT System Contracts not listed as punch outs, send request to:
  • Group Purchasing Organizations – second-choice suppliers
    • Negotiated pricing and terms by State of Texas
    • Representatives assigned to serve you in processing special quotes, returns and additional discounts
    • Price match where possible
    • For links to additional GPOS not listed as punch outs, please Search for GPO Suppliers via Power BI Opens in a new tab.
  • UTD Contracted Suppliers
    • Approved suppliers for Catering and other services
  • Other Suppliers (non-contract pricing) – last-choice suppliers
    • No representative assigned to assist with purchases
    • No assistance with returns
    • No negotiated discounts
    • Not state or UT System approved as suppliers, therefore:
      • UT System/State/UTD guidelines must be adhered to
      • Knowledge of and adherence to dollar value thresholds required
      • Locating HUB suppliers is department responsibility – contact for assistance.
      • Amazon should be your LAST Choice – only if not available through UT System / GPO punch-out. Email – for assistance with Amazon choices. For restricted items, please include a detailed business justification including why Amazon is the only option.