Group travel is when more than 9 people are traveling at the same time to the same destination. Group Travel can only be booked by one of the University’s contracted travel agencies.
When booking travel for a group, remember that
For international travel purposes, Research Assistants, Teaching Assistants, and Teaching Associates are considered students.
All required forms and specific requirements must be submitted at least 15 business days prior to departure. Authorization for travel must be obtained prior to departure. Travel arrangements should not be made without appropriate authorization.
General forms
Learn how to obtain travel authorization, and about restrictions for University-sponsored outbound international travel at the International Risk and Safety Get Travel Authorization webpage.
Learn more about the University insurance program and fees for sponsored outbound international travel at the International Risk and Safety Know Your Insurance webpage.
If after reading the information on the site you have more questions or need more information, contact International Risk and Safety at
International – Personal Travel
Export License Exception for UTD-Owned Property (B16-EXC)
Contact International Risk and Safety for more information at