There are three ways to purchase at UTD:

  1. Submission of an eProcurement requisition through the Galaxy portal. A Puchase Order must be issued before goods or services are ordered and delivered. Catalog purchase options must be used before other non-catalog options. Emergency purchases should be cleared through Procurement prior to placing an order.
  2. Purchase using a UTD One Card.
  3. Purchase using personal funds and request reimbursement. Business reimbursements are handled as exceptions and may only be used for relatively small purchases that could otherwise be made on a UTD One Card.

Note: Purchases outside the first 2 methods above could result in a personal obligation.


Purchasing Process Manual Opens in a new tab.
Purchase Order Closeout Request Form Opens in a new tab.

Dollar Bidding Purchasing Rules

  Available Purchasing Methods Use of Existing Contracts
Purchase Amount One-Card Amazon Punch-out Direct Purchase Purchasing Assigned Specialized Equipment or Services (Only One Supplier) UTD, UT System approved Cooperative and Group Purchasing Organizations (GPO)
Under $5000 Available1,2 Available1,2 Minimum of one quote1,2 Minimum of one quote One quote Recommended for routine purchasing
(e.g. office supplies)10
$5,000 -$14,999 Not
Minimum of one quote2 Minimum of one quote One quote Recommended10
$15,000 – $49,999 Not
Minimum of
One quote EAJ required4
(If no existing contract)
Over $50,0005,6,7,8,9 Not
Formal bid (Only if no existing contract) One quote EAJ required4
(No existing contract)
(Only if best value)10

1Single transaction limit of $5,000.
2See One Card program website for prohibited One-card, Amazon punch-out, and direct purchase transactions.
3Include 2 HUB suppliers if possible.
4EAJ = Exclusive Acquisition Justification.
5HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP) required for purchases greater than $100,000.
6Additional requirements on GPOs apply for purchases greater than $500,000.
7Office of General Council review required for purchases over $1 million.
8Board of Regents approval required for purchases over $2.5 million.
9Departments are expected to contact for assistance with purchases over $50,000
10A minimum of 1 or more accredited GPO quotes if best value 

Splitting one transaction into several or otherwise breaking down a purchase so that each component falls under a particular dollar threshold is specifically prohibited.

For current and past bid opportunities, please see Bid Opportunities.

Rules To Be Followed for All University Purchases

  • An exclusive acquisition may only be used for three categories of purchases: a proprietary, an emergency purchase, or certain professional services (unique or necessary). Competitive purchasing is generally best, as it typically leads to reduced costs. For more information about exclusive acquisitions, visit the Purchasing Method page.
  • Per UT System policy Opens in a new tab., only the Purchasing department can sign procurement-related contracts and agreements and issue Purchase Orders or conduct formal BIDS and RFP Request for Proposals.
  • Verbal orders from UTD Departments without authorization from Purchasing might be a personal obligation of that individual and not the University.
  • Delegations of Authority Opens in a new tab.
  • SAM Federal System for Award Management Opens in a new tab., orders over $25,000
  • SBA rules for Federal Grants Opens in a new tab., grant orders over $25,000
  • All orders are subject to the Texas Public Information Act Opens in a new tab..
  • The number of lines on a purchase order is limited to 30. 

Request for Formal Solicitation (RFS) Form Opens in a new tab.

State of Texas law and UT Dallas policy requires competitive bidding for procurements over $50,000. Group Purchasing Organization contracts meet this requirements and may be used. If a GPO is not available, please submit the completed RFS form to Purchasing at Purchasing will review the request and contact the department to discuss possible solicitation methods.

Exclusive Acquisition Justification Form (EAJ) Opens in a new tab.

An exclusive acquisition may only be used for three categories of purchases:

  • Proprietary and Best Value: the products or services are only available through a single source, and / or are used for compatibility of existing equipment, and / or are necessary to continue service or research, or are specifically required by a contract or grant.
  • Emergency: a delay in purchasing would create a hazard to life, health, safety, welfare, or property.
  • Professional Services: the professional service providers are uniquely qualified, necessary to continue service or research, or are specifically required by a contract or grant.

The EAJ form is not intended to determine whether the purchase is necessary, but only to determine whether the purchase can be made without a competitive bidding process.

Emergency Purchase Standard Procedure


The existence of an emergency condition may create an immediate and serious need for goods or services that cannot be met through normal competitive procurement methods

Emergency circumstances would typically threaten:

a) Employee and public safety

b) University property

c) UTD’s capabilities for supplying necessary services to students, faculty and staff.

Below is the procedure for emergency purchases.

Stage Who Step What
1 Campus Department 1 Request quotes from suppliers
2 Obtain approval from Department Head or designee

Email with “Emergency Purchase” in Subject line, and include:

  • Quotes from suppliers or estimated cost
  • Department Head or designee’s approval
4 Create a non-catalog requisition in eProcurement and state “Emergency Purchase” in the Internal Notes’ business justification and attach the email approval from Purchasing to the requisition, along with the required EAJ if the amount was $15,000 or greater. 
2 Purchasing 1 Verify emergency business justification and approvals
2 Approve and process the requisition
3 Issue a Purchase Order
4 Update the Emergency Purchase File