Find information about business travel at UT Dallas, including booking options, reimbursements, and travel training.
The Travel Management team assists faculty and staff in travel planning, travel-related paperwork, and travel-related payment/reimbursement requests. The Travel Management team does not make direct travel arrangements for the university community. They oversee the travel contracts (airfare, car rentals and hotels) and process all payments and reimbursements related to travel for UT Dallas.
Faculty and Staff should use Concur Travel Management in the Galaxy portal for:
New faculty & staff are automatically authorized to use Concur. Please email to set up a travel arranger who can book airfare/hotels/cars on behalf of other employees, or with any other questions.
Travel & One Card has developed a Travel Reference Aid as well as a Travel Desk Manual
for faculty and staff.
For Student Travel, please see the Dean of Students’s Travel Guidelines.
Information about Travel Reimbursement may be found under the “Managing Reimbursements” section of our website.